• Unshaped Refractory Materials

          Unshaped refractory materials are defined as” mixtures consisting of aggregates, additives, and binders, prepared for direct use in the state of delivery or after adding suited liquids”. In contrast to refractory bricks, they are without specific shape and are in majority placed in larger sections behind molds and templates forming a monolithic lining. Gunning installations without the requirement for a mold are increasing due to ease of application and higher installation speed.

White sintered tabular alumina

  • Tabular Alumina is an advanced alumina product with superior thermal stability and excellent mechanical strength.
  • It features high density, complete shrinkage, and low porosity, making it highly resistant to thermal shock and corrosion.
  • This versatile product is suitable for use in the refractory, ceramics, and polishing industries.
  • The Tabular Alumina offers excellent hardness and wear resistance, reducing maintenance downtime while boosting your productivity.
  • Additionally, it has been designed to generate minimal dust – perfect for a cleaner and healthier workplace.
  • Invest in the Tabular Alumina today and equip your operations for the highest level of efficiency and productivity
  • FunctionGuarantee
    Chemical Composition%AL2O399.0%min
    Bulk Density g/cm33.50min
    Apparent porosity %5.0max
    Water Absorption %1.5max
    Magnetic %0.02max
    Grit size£¨mm£©5-8 3-5 1-3 0-1mm
    Fine grit200mesh,325mesh
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