• Unshaped Refractory Materials

          Unshaped refractory materials are defined as” mixtures consisting of aggregates, additives, and binders, prepared for direct use in the state of delivery or after adding suited liquids”. In contrast to refractory bricks, they are without specific shape and are in majority placed in larger sections behind molds and templates forming a monolithic lining. Gunning installations without the requirement for a mold are increasing due to ease of application and higher installation speed.

tabular alumina from china

  • High-density, fully shrunk, coarse crystalline alpha aluminas that have been converted to the corundum form

  • Available in a wide range of granular or powdered particle size distributions

  • Typical chemical and physical properties include:

    • Chemical purity

    • Chemical inertness

    • High density

    • Low water absorption

    • Extreme hardness

    • High thermal conductivity

    • Good resistance to thermal and mechanical shock

    • High heat capacity

    • High electrical resistivity

    • Excellent abrasion resistance