• Unshaped Refractory Materials

          Unshaped refractory materials are defined as” mixtures consisting of aggregates, additives, and binders, prepared for direct use in the state of delivery or after adding suited liquids”. In contrast to refractory bricks, they are without specific shape and are in majority placed in larger sections behind molds and templates forming a monolithic lining. Gunning installations without the requirement for a mold are increasing due to ease of application and higher installation speed.

Difference between Tabular Alumina and White Fused Alumina

Tabular Alumina, sometimes called TWA, is a pure, sintered corundum that does not add any additives such as MgO, B2O3, and shrinks completely.

It has coarse crystals and a well-developed α-Al2O3 crystal structure.

The content of Al2O3 is more than 99%. Crystal structure, with small pores and many closed pores, and the porosity is roughly equivalent to that of Fused Alumina.

Difference between Tabular Alumina and White Fused Alumina:

Difference between White fused alumina and Tabular Alumina
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